30 November 2023
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Europe/Berlin timezone

In this 90-minute Python presentation, we will explore new and intriguing features in Python. We will cover assignment expressions and structural pattern recognition (the case statement) in Python. Additionally, we will delve into the creation of word clouds. You'll also discover what both Santa Clauses and the walrus might have in common with Python during the presentation. 

Participation requirements: Some experience with Python or attendance in one of our PIER Python workshops. Without sufficient programming knowledge, participation is not recommended. 


This workshop  is part of the transferable skills portfolio of the PIER Education platform on the science campus Bahrenfeld/DESY. The workshops are usually one-day courses for a maximum number of 12-15 participants and are offered once or twice a year. The trainers are carefully selected experts with many years of experience in teaching scientists. Some of the workshops are open for postdocs. 

The workshops offered in the PIER Education Platform are a cooperation between the PIER Helmholtz Graduate School and its partner organisations and institutes Quantum Universe Research School QURS, The Hamburg Centre for Ultrafast Imaging/Advanced Imaging of Matter  CUI/AIM, DASHH, HELIOS. Early career researchers from other affiliated research centers such as MPSD, IMPRS-UFAST, CSSB, and EMBL may also participate upon request.

.                https://indico.desy.de/getFile.py/access?resId=3&materialId=0&confId=13331

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Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/92125066658?pwd=dWJIa0FwTzBSa0Z3bkJ4T1Ewd0JDUT09

Meeting ID: 921 2506 6658
Passcode: 141592


There is an open survey.