ErUM-Data Workshop on Inverse Problems

Room E.0.11. (Campus Garching)

Room E.0.11.

Campus Garching

Max-Planck-Institut für Astrophysik Karl-Schwarzschild-Str. 1 D-85748 Garching, Germany

Due to the difficult travel conditions, the workshop is also being broadcasted online. Join here: 

This Workshop is hosted by the community organization DIG-UM with support from the BMBF-funded ErUM-Data-Hub.

The goal of the workshop is to get an overview on inverse problems in the ErUM-Data community, to discuss methods to solve them, and to foster exchange and cooperation between the ErUM-communities. In particular, the workshop is intended for early stage researchers.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Inverse problems in Research on Universe and Matter (ErUM)
  • Bayesian reasoning
  • Differential programming
  • Generative models
  • Score based models (incl. diffusion models)
  • Dimensionality reduction
  • ErUM strategy


Confirmed Speaker:

  • Niels Thürey (TUM): Diffusion models
  • Oliver Schulz (MPP): Differential and probabilistic programming
  • Daniel Boschmann (EvalSpek-ML): Disassembling linear combinations into their constituent parts
  • Philipp Frank (MPA, ErUM-IFT): Signal reconstruction for fields
  • Frank Schreiber (Uni Tübingen, VIPR): Machine Learning for Surface Scattering
  • Jonas Kreidelmeyer  (CFEL, 4D-KI-track): Multi-detector 3D reconstruction for Xray-Fluorescence Imaging


A registration fee of 80€ will be charged for the workshop. 

The call for abstracts ends on 27.10.2023.

Registraion for Research Data Management - Expert Workshop
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