29 February 2024 to 1 March 2024
Europe/Berlin timezone

This is  the annual Big Data Analytics Topic Group meeting organized by DIG-UM with support from the ErUM-Data-Hub. The aim of this meeting is for all members of the BDA Topic Group, and escpecially participants from the Projects in the Verbundforschung Software&Algorithmen of ErUM-Data, to meet up, discuss recent results, new ideas and possible future efforts.

No fee will be charged for participation in the meeting but participants are expected to register in advance.

This workshop is organized by the DIG-UM Topic Group Big Data Analytics. Prior to the event, a Generative Models Workshop is planned to be held on February 27 - 29.2024, also at FIAS, and the corresponding Indico site is:


Ruth-Moufang-Str. 1 Frankfurt am Main
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This workshop is supported by:

  • ErUM-Data-Hub (BMBF)
Application for this event is currently open.
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