12–13 Dec 2023
DESY Hamburg and Zoom
Europe/Berlin timezone

Welcome to the 16th Annual Helmholtz Alliance Workshop on "Physics at the Terascale"! As in the past 16 years, the workshop will offer a rich programme of stimulating plenary talks and parallel sessions full of intense discussion on topics connected to the LHC, linear colliders, and Belle.

This meeting will be organised as a in-person meeting, with the option to connect remotely if needed. The number of sessions will depend on the number of registrations. A call for abstracts is open.

Connection details will be made available to registered participants shortly before the meeting. 

Topics of the parallel sessions include:

  • Higgs physics
  • Searches
  • Top physics
  • Flavor physics
  • Standard Model physics
  • Computing and Machine Learning


The Zoom links appear only in the menu when you are registered for this event and logged in with the account that you used for the registration.

DESY Hamburg and Zoom