DESY Theory Seminar

Theory: Cornering New Physics with precision calculations of Higgs-boson properties

by Johannes Braathen (T (Phenomenology))




Precision studies of Higgs properties constitute crucial probes of Beyond-the-Standard Model (BSM) Physics. Among these properties, the trilinear Higgs coupling and the Higgs decay width to two photons provide unique opportunities to investigate the structure of the Higgs sector and to search for indirect signs of BSM Physics. In this talk, I will first present examples of computations of these two quantities in BSM theories with extended scalar sectors, and show how they allow constraining the parameter space of the models -- going beyond the reach of other theoretical and experimental constraints. In the second part of the talk, I will discuss the automation of calculations of the trilinear Higgs coupling using the public Python package anyH3, and I will describe ongoing extensions of this program to BSM trilinear scalar couplings and di-Higgs production.