LUXE ECAL workshop in Krakow

C (pink) - plenary, 225 - work room (Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, AGH University of Krakow)

C (pink) - plenary, 225 - work room

Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, AGH University of Krakow

Building D-10 Reymonta 19 30-059 Krakow Poland

The LUXE experiment will explore the uncharted territory of strong field quantum electrodynamics (SFQED) in e-laser and γ-laser interactions at an effective field strength at and above the Schwinger limit. In this regime, non-linear and non-pertubative effects are expected to appear in the production rates of electron-positron pairs. Hence, the number of electron-positron pairs and their energy distribution in e-laser and γ-laser interactions are key characteristics to probe SFQED. In the LUXE experiment the positrons and electrons originating from non-perturbative QED processes (trident production in e-laser, from the Breit-Wheeler process γ-laser and more) will be measured in different detector systems. The central systems consist of two tracker followed by one electromagnetic calorimeter each.

Two electromagnetic calorimeters of the LUXE experiment, called ECAL-e and ECAL-p, are designed as sampling calorimeters using silicon sensors and tungsten absorber plates. ECAL-p will measure the number of positrons and their energy in e-laser and γ-laser interactions and ECAL-e, the same quantities for electrons in γ-laser interactions. In addition, the calorimeters will be used for the cross-calibration of the energy scale with the tracker.

The workshop will focus on the ECAL construction, the mechanical structure, the sensors, the front-end electronics and the data acquisition, as well as simulations and previous testbeam data analysis and results.


Looking forward to see you in Krakow in September!



  • César Blanch Gutiérrez
  • Dawid Pietruch
  • Krzysztof Swientek
  • Melissa Almanza Soto
  • Michal Elad
  • Veta Ghenescu
  • Wolfgang Lohmann
  • +12
    • 13:00
      Lunch Cafeteria (Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, AGH University)


      Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, AGH University

      Building D-10 Reymonta 19 30-059 Krakow
    • Additional work time: Discussions 225 (Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, AGH University)


      Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, AGH University

      Building D-10 Reymonta 19 30-059 Krakow
    • Plenary: Welcome C (pink) (Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, AGH University)

      C (pink)

      Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, AGH University

      Building D-10 Reymonta 19 30-059 Krakow
      • 1
        Speaker: Miroslaw Zimnoch (Vice Dean of the Faculty) (AGH University of Krakow)
      • 2
        Speaker: Marek Idzik (AGH University of Science and Technology (PL))
    • Hardware and construction: Hardware status 1 C (pink) (Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, AGH University)

      C (pink)

      Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, AGH University

      Building D-10 Reymonta 19 30-059 Krakow
    • 10:40
      Coffee break Cafeteria (Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, AGH University)


      Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, AGH University

      Building D-10 Reymonta 19 30-059 Krakow
    • Hardware and construction: Hardware status 2 C (pink) (Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, AGH University)

      C (pink)

      Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, AGH University

      Building D-10 Reymonta 19 30-059 Krakow
    • 12:30
      Lunch Cafeteria (Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, AGH University)


      Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, AGH University

      Building D-10 Reymonta 19 30-059 Krakow
    • Hardware and construction: Testbeam preparation C (pink) (Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, AGH University)

      C (pink)

      Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, AGH University

      Building D-10 Reymonta 19 30-059 Krakow
    • 15:40
      Coffee break Cafeteria (Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, AGH University)


      Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, AGH University

      Building D-10 Reymonta 19 30-059 Krakow
    • 16:00
      Laboratory visit D-11 124 (Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, AGH University)

      D-11 124

      Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, AGH University

      Building D-11 Reymonta 19 30-059 Krakow
    • Social activities: City walk Start point: Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, AGH University

      Start point: Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, AGH University

      Building D-10 Reymonta 19 30-059 Krakow
    • Social activities: Welcome beer "Weźże Krafta" Pub

      "Weźże Krafta" Pub

      Dajwór 16, 31-052 Kraków
    • Analysis, simulations and software: NPOD and software C (pink) (Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, AGH University)

      C (pink)

      Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, AGH University

      Building D-10 Reymonta 19 30-059 Krakow
    • 10:30
      Coffee break Cafeteria (Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, AGH University)


      Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, AGH University

      Reymonta 19 30-059 Krakow
    • Analysis, simulations and software: Simulations and data analysis C (pink) (Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, AGH University)

      C (pink)

      Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, AGH University

      Building D-10 Reymonta 19 30-059 Krakow
    • 12:30
      Lunch Cafeteria (Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, AGH University)


      Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, AGH University

      Building D-10 Reymonta 19 30-059 Krakow
    • Analysis, simulations and software: Papers discussion C (pink) (Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, AGH University)

      C (pink)

      Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, AGH University

      Building D-10 Reymonta 19 30-059 Krakow
      • 14
        Beam tests results for paper 1
        Speaker: Wolfgang Lohmann (Z_ATUP (ATLAS-Upgrade))
      • 15
        Beam tests results for paper 2
        Speaker: Wolfgang Lohmann (Z_ATUP (ATLAS-Upgrade))
    • 15:40
      Coffee break Cafeteria (Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, AGH University)


      Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, AGH University

      Building D-10 Reymonta 19 30-059 Krakow
    • Analysis, simulations and software: Open discussions C (pink) (Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, AGH University)

      C (pink)

      Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, AGH University

      Building D-10 Reymonta 19 30-059 Krakow
    • Social activities: Walk to workshop dinner form the Venue Start: Venue, Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, AGH University of Krakow

      Start: Venue, Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, AGH University of Krakow

      Building D-10 Reymonta 19 30-059 Krakow
    • Social activities: Workshop dinner "Zalipianki" restaurant

      "Zalipianki" restaurant

      Szewska street 24, 31-009 Kraków
    • Hardware and construction: Summary, plans and discussion C (pink) (Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, AGH University)

      C (pink)

      Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, AGH University

      Building D-10 Reymonta 19 30-059 Krakow
    • 10:00
      Coffee break Cafeteria (Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, AGH University)


      Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, AGH University

      Building D-10 Reymonta 19 30-059 Krakow
    • Plenary: Discission on LUXE and other future (CEPC) experiments C (pink) (Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, AGH University)

      C (pink)

      Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, AGH University

      Building D-10 Reymonta 19 30-059 Krakow
      • 19
        Status and perspecitves of LUXE
      • 20
        Contribution of ECALp to DRD6 (compact calorymetry)
      • 21
        Discussion on future workshops/conferences and experiments (CEPC)
    • Plenary: Summary and closing C (pink) (Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, AGH University)

      C (pink)

      Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, AGH University

      Building D-10 Reymonta 19 30-059 Krakow
      • 22
        Summary and closing
        Speaker: Wolfgang Lohmann (Z_ATUP (ATLAS-Upgrade))
    • 12:30
      Lunch Cafeteria (Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, AGH University)


      Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, AGH University

      Building D-10 Reymonta 19 30-059 Krakow
    • Additional work time: Discussions 225 (Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, AGH University)


      Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, AGH University

      Building D-10 Reymonta 19 30-059 Krakow