Dates: 7 - 10 October 2024, 9 am - 12:30 pm
Venue: Center for Free-Electron Laser Science, SR II and III
Lecturers: Dr. Andreas R. Maier, Prof. Dr. Ingrid Gregor, Prof. Dr. Heinz Graafsma, Dr. Marc Wenskat
Credit points: 1.0
Lecture 1. Laser-Plasma Acceleration
Andreas R. Maier, DESY
Abstract: t.b.a.
Lecture 2. What you always wanted to know about detectors for Particle Physics
Ingrid Gregor, DESY / Universität Bonn
Abstract: In this lectures an overview on detectors for high energy particle physics will be given - from tracking of charged particles with the latest CMOS sensors to measuring the energy of a passing neutron with a calorimeter. Also some explanations why those experiments are so huge and can be rather different even when having the same scientific goal: understanding the matter in the universe.
Lecture 3. Detector Technologies for Photon Science
Heinz Graafsma, DESY
Abstract: t.b.a.
Lecture 4. RF Cavities - Backbone of Modern Accelerators
Marc Wenskat, DESY
Abstract: Whether light sources like EXFEL, PETRAIII or LCLS-II, HEP colliders such as LHC, FCCee or CEPC, or "special" machines such as the neutron source ESS or the electron-ion collider EIC - they all need superconducting cavities. But they don't look the same, as they are tailored for the specific use - yet they are all following the same fundamental principles and are based on the same material, niobium. What are those fundamental principles, what is state-of-the-art of the SRF technology, and what could be the next big thing, pushing beyond our current limits? This is what I will talk about and - hopefully - explain it to you.