Software Development Workshop 2011

Lecture Hall, HSZ/103/U (Dresden)

Lecture Hall, HSZ/103/U


Bergstraße 64 01069 Dresden Germany
Felix Friedrich (IKTP TU Dresden), Peter Steinbach (Institut für Kern- und Teilchenphysik), Philipp Anger (TU Dresden), Wolfgang F. Mader (TU Dresden)
In High-Energy Physics, the complexity of software frameworks used in data taking and analyses has increased substantially over the last decade. Thus, efficiently and successfully judging, using and developing code becomes a key ingredient to HEP on a day-to-day basis. This workshop is intended for Ph.D. students and Postdocs with advanced expertise in an object-oriented programming language, e.g. C++ or Python. The goal is to broaden the participants’ view and practice of object-oriented software development techniques. The school comprises lectures and exercises with code examples from HEP software as well as creative work on standard programming problems aiming to sustainably train participants. The courses will be held in the Hörsaalzentrum der TU Dresden and hosted by the Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics. A detailed map of the TU Dresden campus ( and the surrounding of the campus ( can give you some guidance.