EURIZON WEBINAR: Introduction to Open Science and FAIR Data Management


Zoom Meeting-ID: 619 5973 9331 Kenncode: 259084




Materials are now available in the Agenda below.

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Dear EURIZON fellows,

We are pleased to invite you to our upcoming webinar about OPEN SCIENCE dedicated to the distinguished teams of Ukrainian scientists who have been awarded the EURIZON fellowship.

This webinar will provide an  introduction to the concept of Open Science in Europe, highlighting its importance, implementation strategies, and practical suggestions. Additionally, we will briefly discuss the principles of FAIR data management (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable).

Furthermore, we will explain the requirements related to acknowledgment and dissemination stemming from being beneficiaries of EU funding. We will also share the latest updates on the EURIZON project.

All research team PI and team members are invited and welcome, and we  strongly recommend that at least one team member from each research team registers and participates in this webinar. It is crucial to ensure that each fellows team is well-informed about the requirements associated with being beneficiaries of EU funding (Part of the reportand monitoring process).

We are looking forward to meeting you virtually for the first time and embarking on this exciting journey together!

Webinar Details:

  • Date: 16th July
  • Time: 10h00 CEST (11h00 Kyiv time)
  • please register by clicking on "REGISTER" below


Please ensure your participation in this important and informative session. We look forward to seeing you there. We are really excited to meeting you virtually for the first time !

Best regards,

EURIZON Fellowship Secretariat

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