11 April 2025
Building 28c
Europe/Berlin timezone

Our motivation

Who are we?

This workshop is jointly organized by the PIER Helmholtz Graduate School, the Center for Sustainable Research Data Management, Universität Hamburg and the two NFDI consortia PUNCH4NFDI and DAPHNE4NFDI. 

What do we have in common?

  • We are all based in Hamburg
  • We are keen on research data management 
  • We would like to spread the word and the related hands-on techniques and advices.

What is our motivation to organize this workshop?

Advancements in synchrotron and X-ray free-electron sources and associated developments in instrumentation and techniques offer many new possibilities for researchers. At the same time there is increasing demand and pressure (also by the funding agencies) to make measured data accessible to the wider community through improved research data- and metadata- management.

The consortium DAPHNE4NFDI (DAta from PHoton and Neutron Experiments for NFDI) addresses this challenge within the German National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI), and also in relation to European/worldwide initiatives. 

PUNCH4NFDI is the NFDI consortium of particle, astro-, astroparticle, hadron and nuclear physics. As consortium in the NFDI it develops and provides solutions for FAIR (i.e. findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable) data along the full data lifecycle, transfer of knowledge and best practices between the PUNCH communities and beyond, as well as training for researchers.

The Center for Sustainable Research Data Management provides comprehensive support to scientists and researchers at the Universität Hamburg in the selection and use of digital tools and services in handling research data.