25 January 2008
DESY, Notkestr. 85, 22603 Hamburg, Germany
Europe/Berlin timezone

Satellite Meetings (Jan. 24)

Satellite Meetings 2008 on Thursday morning (Jan. 24, 2008)

(click titles for programmes)

DORIS III "VUV Luminescence and Reflectance spectroscopy at HASYLAB" (Bldg.1/01)

DORIS III "XAFS and Beamline L - User Satellite Meeting" (Bldg. 25b/109)

DORIS III "Status and Perspectives of Small Angle X-Ray Scattering at HASYLAB" (Bldg 61, Auditorium University of Hamburg)

All participants of the satellite meetings are invited to attend the dinner on Thursday evening (19.30h in the DESY Canteen), please register for the dinner.