23–24 Jan 2008
DESY, Notkestr. 85, 22607 Hamburg
Europe/Berlin timezone

List of confirmed speakers

  Confirmed Speakers Affiliation Title of talk
  Yves Acreman Stanford Spin torque magnetization reversal
  Jacques Chakalian Arkansas Orbital reconstruction and covalent bonding at oxide interfaces
  Herrmann Dürr BESSY Femtosecond manipulation of electron localization and
      angular momentum transfer in itinerant ferromagnets
  Eric D. Isaacs APS New Results on an Old Metal:
      Slow Dynamics using Coherent X-rays
  Guido Meier Uni Hamburg Soft x-ray microscopy of domain-wall and magnetic
      vortex motion driven by spin-torque
  Hendrik Ohldag SLAC X-rays and Magnetism - A Perfect Match
  Claus M. Schneider FZ Juelich

Magnetism at Interfaces probed by Synchrotron Radiation

  Christian Schüßler-Langeheine Uni Köln Soft x-ray resonant diffraction from transition metal oxides
  Sunil Sinha UC San Diego Magnetic films and nanostructures
  Tomek Slezak University Krakau Depth resolved spinstructures during reorientation transition
  Jörg Strempfer DESY Investigation of magnetic and orbital order in
      ruthenates by resonant x-ray diffraction