(parallel) Computing in Photon and Neutron Science Applications

FLASH-Halle Geb.28c (DESY Hamburg)

FLASH-Halle Geb.28c

DESY Hamburg

Frank Schluenzen (DESY), Matthias Kreuzeder (DESY), Rainer Gehrke (DESY)
This 2nd joint PNI-HDRI and PaNdata ODI workshop aims to cover topics in high-performance or GPGPU computing, data management and visualization of scientific data at Neutron or Photon sources. Proposed topics are
  • multi-core Architectures (GPGPU und CPUs)
  • GPU / MC accelerated applications
  • Visualization of big data and or in real time
  • high-speed data access
Check out the timetable for a more detailed agenda.
The PNI-HDRI steering comittee meeting (closed session) will take place after the workshop (Rm. 456, Geb. 25b).
DInner Location