30 September 2013 to 2 October 2013
TU Dresden
Europe/Berlin timezone
The aims are to bring together theorists and experimentalists to discuss
  • theoretical and experimental status of all processes sensitive to aQGC
  • models for parametrizing aQGC and (partially) strong VV scattering
  • issues of unitarization prescriptions
  • available Monte Carlo Generators and validation procedures
  • experimental prospects for the 13-14 TeV runs at LHC
  • wishlists of experimentalists and theorists
There is the chance to take part via Vidyo: Auto-join URL
Room Name: Anomalous_Quartic_Gauge_Couplings_Workshop_Meetingroom
Extension: 9273026
PIN: 30092013
TU Dresden
Organizing Committee:
- ATLAS: Michael Kobel (TU Dresden), Anja Vest (TU Dresden), Sabine Lammers (Indiana U)
- CMS: Matthew Herndon (U Wisconsin), Yurii Maravin (Kansas State U), Kalanand Mishra (FNAL)
- Theory: Christophe Grojean (ICREA/IFAE & CERN), Barbara Jäger (U Mainz), Jürgen Reuter (DESY)