19–21 Sept 2013
Harvard University
EST timezone
The ATLAS Standard Model group workshop will be held in Harvard, 19-21 September.The first day of the workshop is an open session session with invited theory talks. The second and the third day are for ATLAS internal discussions.
The main goal of the workshop is to shape the measurements performed by the SM group using the 8 TeV data. We shall discuss existing 7 TeV results, analyses in progress and try to identify the measurements which are important and have not been done so far. The workshop agenda includes plenty room for discussions. If you wish to contribute, please contact subgroup conveners. Proposals for new measurements are welcome in particular. 
The invited theory speakers include Frank PetrielloMatthew Schwartz, Maria Ubiali, Frank Kraus, Jürgen Reuter and Francisco Campanario with talks covering various aspects of the Standard Model physics, from soft QCD to multi-boson production.
The workshop fee which covers coffee breaks is 100 euro. The fee does not include lunches or dinner and the fee for the workshop dinner ( 60 euro regular and 25 euro student rate) is paid separately. 
Harvard University
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Vidyo connection details:

Room name Standard_Model_Workshop 
Extension 9212564 
Description SM Workshop
Auto-join URL http://vidyoportal.cern.ch/flex.html?roomdirect.html&key=eFr3dhxbTXcU