24–29 Aug 2014
Hamburg University
Europe/Berlin timezone

Medium-heavy nuclei from lattice quantum chromodynamics

28 Aug 2014, 15:00
Hörsaal H (Main Building)

Hörsaal H

Main Building

Talk 2) Quarks and gluons in hadrons, the hadron spectrum Quarks and gluons in hadrons, the hadron spectrum


Prof. Takashi Inoue (Nihon University, College of Bioresource Sciences)


Mass and structure of 16^O and 40^Ca are studied on the basis of quantum chromodynamics (QCD), the fundamental theory of the strong interaction. We derive two-nucleon potentials from lattice QCD simulations by the recently developed HAL QCD method. Then we apply the results to the structure of medium-heavy nuclei (16^O and 40^Ca) using the Brueckner-Hartree-Fock theory. We find that these two nuclei are bound and possess shell structures for the heavy quark mass corresponding to the pseudo-scalar meson mass of 469 MeV (the nucleon mass of 1161 MeV). Obtained total binding energies, 33 MeV for 16^O and 108 MeV for 40^Ca, are rather smaller than the experimental data, which is due to the heavy quark mass in our lattice QCD simulations. Realistic results will be obtained in the near future by using the full QCD configurations currently generated by K-computer with the pion mass 135 MeV and the lattice volume (10 fm)^3. The present study demonstrates that our approach is quite promising for investigating various properties of atomic nuclei starting from QCD.

Primary author

Prof. Takashi Inoue (Nihon University, College of Bioresource Sciences)

Presentation materials