24–29 Aug 2014
Hamburg University
Europe/Berlin timezone

Recent results on the charmed hadron systems at Belle

26 Aug 2014, 14:00
Seminarraum 220 (ESAW)

Seminarraum 220


Talk 8) Flavour physics - CKM and beyond Flavour physics - CKM and beyond


Mr Changwoo Joo (Seoul Nat'l univ.)


CP violation and mixing in the charm meson system are expected to be very small in the standard model (SM), hence it can be a good probe to search for new physics beyond the SM. With large relative cross-section for charmed hadron production and clean event environment combined with high luminosity, the Belle experiment, with high statistics $e^+ e^-$ collision data taken at the KEKB energy-asymmetric collider using the Belle detector, is a very good place to study charmed hadron systems. In this presentation we report recent results from Belle on CP violation and mixing in the neutral D meson system. We also present recent results from Belle in the charmed baryon spectroscopy, including new measurements of mass, width, and absolute branching fractions of various charmed baryons.

Primary author

Mr Changwoo Joo (Seoul Nat'l univ.)

Presentation materials