Career after your PhD: Academia, industry or science management?
As a PhD student you will start thinking about career opportunities and required skills at some point during your PhD: Stay in Academia or enter Industry? Jump into Consulting or Science Management? Or even start your own start-up? The “Career after your PhD Day” offers PhD students the opportunity to meet scientists and people from different fields of industry, NGOs and science management, and discuss career options in a pleasant atmosphere. Our speakers will share their experience of doctoral study and advise on career opportunities after the PhD.

Day 1: Keynote speakers from academia and science management talk about their individual career paths, and numerous professionals share their experiences in round table discussions - including hands-on career advice and lots of networking opportunities. For details see navigation bar on the left.

Day 2: Workshops and coaching sessions - from an individual CV check to career development support. For details see navigation bar on the left.

Please note: The number of places for the workshops is limited, and the allocation of the available places follows the "first come, first served" principle. Your registration is pending until the final confirmation from the organisers, which will be e-mailed to you after the end of the registration deadline.

This career event is a cooperation of the graduate schools MINGS, CUI, IMPRS-ESM, IMPRS-UFAST, SICSS and PIER Helmholtz Graduate School.

3, 3a, 4a/b, 5, building 1b
Notkestr. 85 22607 Hamburg
  • Mirko Siemssen

A light catering is included during the coffee breaks and the get-together.