26–30 Jul 2021
Europe/Berlin timezone

Latest results from DAMPE

29 Jul 2021, 11:15


Parallel session talk Astroparticle and Gravitational Waves T01: Astroparticle and Gravitational Waves


Prof. Andrii Tykhonov (University of Geneva)


DArk Matter Particle Explorer (DAMPE) satellite mission is successfully operating and delivering data for more than 5 years since its launch in December 2015. The instrument is a thick calorimeter type detector, targeted at measuring gamma rays and cosmic-ray electrons up to about 10 TeV with excellent energy resolution and cosmic ray ions up to 100 TeV. Precise measurements of electron, proton, and helium cosmic ray spectra have been performed by the collaboration, which is expected to bring new insights into the physics mechanisms behind cosmic rays. In this talk, we give an overview of a mission status and present the latest physics results and data analysis activities.

Collaboration / Activity DAMPE

Primary author

Prof. Andrii Tykhonov (University of Geneva)

Presentation materials