26–30 Jul 2021
Europe/Berlin timezone

LHCb Fixed-target results and prospects

28 Jul 2021, 11:00


Parallel session talk QCD and Hadronic Physics T06: QCD and Hadronic Physics


Saverio Mariani


Originally conceived for precise luminosity measurements, the gas injection system SMOG currently allows the unique LHCb detector capabilities to be exploited for fixed-target studies in proton-gas collisions at sqrt(s) ~ 100 GeV. The first results obtained with SMOG data are reported: antiproton production with a He target and J/psi , D0 productions in pHe and pAr collisions. The upgraded system SMOG2, which will be used during Run 3 of LHC, will extend the target species available and increase the areal gas density, offering a unique opportunity for measurements related to hadron production, cosmic rays physic and nucleon structure at the LHC. An overview of the SMOG2 system and its prospects is reported along with a selection of interesting physical measurements.

Collaboration / Activity LHCb

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