26–30 Jul 2021
Europe/Berlin timezone

Latest developments and characterisation results of the MALTA sensors in TowerJazz 180nm for High Luminosity LHC

27 Jul 2021, 11:15


Parallel session talk Detector R&D and Data Handling T12: Detector R&D and Data Handling


Abhishek Sharma (CERN)


The MALTA sensors are Depleted Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (DMAPS) made using 180nm TowerJazz CMOS technology. These have been iteratively designed towards achieving a high radiation tolerance for applications such as in the outer layers of the HL-LHC’s ATLAS Inner Tracker. To date several design enhancements have been implemented to attain a high time resolution (<2ns), granularity as well as achieving excellent charge collection efficiency uniformly across the pixel geometries. This technology promises to drastically cut the production cost of silicon sensors due to their monolithic design, bypassing the costly stage of bump bonding in hybrid sensors. This talk will provide a detailed overview of the comprehensive characterisation studies conducted on the MALTA and Mini-MALTA sensors as well as present newer functionalities being introduced in the latest iteration, the MALTA2.

First author Abhishek Sharma
Email Abhishek.sharma@cern.ch
Collaboration / Activity CERN EP R&D Work Package 1.2

Primary author


Dr Andrea GABRIELLI (CERN) Dr Carlos SOLANS SANCHEZ (CERN) Prof. Craig BUTTAR (University of Glasgow) Prof. Daniela BORTOLETTO (University of Oxford) Mr Dominik DOBRIJEVIC (University of Zagreb) Dr Florian DACHS (CERN) Francesco PIRO (EPFL) Heidi SANDAKER (University of Oslo) Dr Heinz PERNEGGER (CERN) Ignacio ASENSI TORTAJADA (Univ. of Valencia and CSIC) Jose TORRES PAIS (Univ. of Valencia and CSIC) Mateusz DYNDAL (AGH UST Krakow) Milou VAN RIJNBACH (University of Oslo) Patrick Moriishi FREEMAN (University of Birmingham) Dr Petra RIEDLER (CERN) Prof. Philip Patrick ALLPORT (University of Birmingham) Roberto CARDELLA (Universite de Geneve) Tomislav SULIGOJ (University of Zagreb) Valerio DAO (CERN) Walter SNOEYS (CERN) Leyre FLORES SANZ DE ACEDO (University of Glasgow)

Presentation materials