26–30 Jul 2021
Europe/Berlin timezone

Recent LHCb results on charm in the QCD medium

26 Jul 2021, 10:45


Parallel session talk Heavy Ion Physics T05: Heavy Ion Physics


Chenxi Gu (cern)


With full particle ID, precision tracking, and calorimetry, the LHCb detector is able to measure prompt and non-prompt charm production through a variety of decay channels at forward rapidity. These unique abilities allow LHCb to study a wide range of exotic and conventional open and hidden charm states and their interactions in the QCD medium. Here we will discuss recent LHCb results on charm production in pp and pPb collisions, including the first results on chi_c production in nuclear collisions at the LHC, and compare the results with various theoretical models.

First author Stefania Ricciardi
Email stefania.ricciardi@stfc.ac.uk
Collaboration / Activity LHCb

Primary authors

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