26–30 Jul 2021
Europe/Berlin timezone

ATLAS LAr Calorimeter Commissioning for LHC Run-3

26 Jul 2021, 10:45


Parallel session talk Detector R&D and Data Handling T12: Detector R&D and Data Handling


Davide Pietro Mungo (Milano)


Liquid argon (LAr) sampling calorimeters are employed by ATLAS for all electromagnetic calorimetry in the pseudo-rapidity region |η| < 3.2, and for hadronic and forward calorimetry in the region from |η| = 1.5 to |η| = 4.9. After detector consolidation during a long shutdown, Run-2 started in 2015 and about 150 fb$^{-1}$ of data at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV was recorded. Phase-I detector upgrades began after the end of Run-2. New trigger readout electronics of the ATLAS Liquid-Argon Calorimeter have been developed. Installation began at the start of the LHC shut down in 2019 and is expected to be completed in 2021. A commissioning campaign is underway in order to realise the capabilities of the new, higher granularity and higher precision level-1 trigger hardware in Run-3 data taking. This contribution will give an overview of the new trigger readout commissioning, as well as the preparations for Run-3 detector operation.

First author Sandra Leone
Email sandra.leone@cern.ch
Collaboration / Activity ATLAS Collaboration

Primary author


Presentation materials