This talk will present the latest neutrino oscillation results from the Daya Bay experiment, which consists of eight functionally identical detectors in three experimental sites at different baselines from six 2.9 GW$_{\mathrm{th}}$ nuclear reactor cores. In 1958 days of operation, Daya Bay has collected the largest sample of inverse beta decay events to date, with close to 4 million candidate events. With improved systematics, Daya Bay has produced a world-leading measurement of the $\theta_{13}$ mixing angle and achieved comparable precision for $\Delta m^2_{32}$ to accelerator experiments. Along with the MINOS/MINOS+ and Bugey-3 experiments, Daya Bay has searched for oscillations to light sterile neutrinos, with no significant signal found. The most stringent limits to date have been placed on the $\theta_{\mu e}$ effective mixing angle over five orders of magnitude in the sterile mass-squared difference $\Delta m^2_{41}$, excluding the parameter space allowed by the LSND and MiniBooNE experiments at 90% CL$_\mathrm{S}$ for $\Delta m^2_{41} < 13~\mathrm{eV^2}$.
First author | Roberto Mandujano |
rcmanduj@uci.edu | |
Collaboration / Activity | Daya Bay Experiment |