26–30 Jul 2021
Europe/Berlin timezone

Diversity & Inclusion in the CMS Collaboration

28 Jul 2021, 17:05


Parallel session talk Outreach, Education and Diversity T14: Outreach, Education and Diversity


Meenakshi Narain (Brown University)


The CMS Collaboration is one of the largest scientific organizations ever assembled, with over 5000 active members from 229 institutes in 51 countries and regions. The goal of the CMS Diversity Office is to foster a working environment where all members of the Collaboration can thrive; ensuring the collaboration’s diverse and inclusive environment is essential for its continued success. In this presentation, we highlight some of the activities of the CMS Diversity Office and present some statistics regarding diversity and inclusion of the CMS Collaboration.

First author CMS
Email arnd.meyer@cern.ch
Collaboration / Activity CMS

Primary authors

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