26–30 Jul 2021
Europe/Berlin timezone

Designing particle physics comms for people who don't think about physics: the Urknall Unterwegs module

30 Jul 2021, 10:21


Parallel session talk Outreach, Education and Diversity T14: Outreach, Education and Diversity


Joseph Piergrossi (PR (Oeffentlichkeitsarbeit))


The Urknall Unterwegs module, a component of the outreach arm of the German science communication project KONTAKT, is a planned traveling indoor-outdoor exhibition on particle physics. Except it's intended for people who might not much care about physics. These are the people who skip the science centres, the open days at the local lab or institute, or who don't check into science documentaries on TV or YouTube. A team of science communicators, physicists, didactics experts, and lay people (i.e. unassuming test subjects) tried to figure out how best to talk to these people, bring the science to where they are, and make an experience that aims to get them thinking about why it's important to spend time and human effort on particle physics and basic research. We want a diverse group of people young and old to get inspired by how we research the basis of the world around them, while also showing the diversity of particle physics itself and how the field aspires to bring people from around the world together. I'd like to present the thinking behind the module's design and plans for its initial tour, which would begin in Fall 2021 (pandemic conditions permitting).

Collaboration / Activity Weltmaschine

Primary author

Joseph Piergrossi (PR (Oeffentlichkeitsarbeit))


Barbara Warmbein (PR (Oeffentlichkeitsarbeit))

Presentation materials