Download the detailed program as pdf
The program runs over two days, the 22nd and 23rd of June, 2022. It will be centered around a few invited key-note speakers, but we will also give plenty of time for discussions and interactions.
The confirmed speakers are described in the subpage: "Confirmed speakers" - see link to the left.
A detailed program can be downloaded as pdf (click on the link above). The list of the speakers and preliminary titles for their contributions are:
- Lucy Avraamidou, Groningen University: Intersectional Approaches to Exploring Identity Politics in Physics: (Un)hidden stories.
- Anna Danielsson, Stockholm University: Unexpected trajectories into a ‘hard’ science: Gender, identity, and culture in physic.
- Aleksandra Derra, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun: Beyond nature/culture division. Karen Barad’s new feminist materialism.
- Helene Götschel, Freie Universität Berlin: Negotiating Narratives of Diversity and Equity in Physics.
- Jeff Hearn, Örebro University: What might men and masculinities have to do with physics and physicists?
- Alexandra Kalev, Tel Aviv University: Faculty Diversity Programs: Best Practices and Worst.
- Ioana Latu, Queen's University of Belfast: Inclusion Really Does Matter: Improving attitudes towards Gender Equality Initiatives among STEM faculty.
- Anne Pépin, European Commission: European policy setting on gender equality.
- Londa Schiebinger, Stanford University: Gendered Innovations: Enhancing Excellence in Science & Technology.
- Sigrid Schmitz, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg: Necessary Literacy for the Debate about Disciplinary Images and Cultures.
In addition, current initiatives and projects related to the topic of the conference will be presented:
- Thomas Berghöfer, DESY: GENERA Network and its Gender Dimension working group
- Dalia Šatkovskienė, Vilnius University: VOICES COST Action
- Mary Lou O'Neil, Kadir Has University: GenderEX (Horizon2020) project