Workshop on Linac Operation with Long Bunch Trains

Sem. R. 2, Bldg. 3 (DESY)

Sem. R. 2, Bldg. 3


Notkestr. 85 22607 Hamburg
John Carwardine (Argonne), Nicholas Walker (DESY), Siegfried Schreiber (DESY)

The corner stone of the TESLA superconducting linear accelerator technology is the ability to accelerate long bunch-trains at relatively high currents in pulsed operation. This workshop follows on from the first one held in February 2010. The ILC 9mA programme remains a central theme of the workshop, but in keeping with the broader issues of the challenges of operations with long bunch-trains and the spirit of the first meeting, this workshop will also focus on specific issues relevant to FLASH VUV-FEL and future European XFEL operations.

Unlike the first workshop, this meeting will be entirely plenary with no parallel working groups. The time will be divided into six thematic sessions:

  1. Results and analysis from the 9mA studies
  2. Toward future 9mA studies
  3. Operations modes for FLASH2
  4. Feedback and control of longitudinal phase space
  5. Machine protection for long bunch-train operation
  6. Beam-based feedback systems

Description of the scope of these themes can be found under Scientific Programme.

Group Photo #1
Group Photo #2
Workshop Report
  • Akira YAMAMOTO
  • Alexander Kaukher
  • Alexandr Ignatenko
  • Bart Faatz
  • Brad Gibson
  • Brian Chase
  • Christian Schmidt
  • Denis Kostin
  • Dirk Noelle
  • Elmar Vogel
  • Evgeny Schneidmiller
  • Gustavo Cancelo
  • Henning Christof Weddig
  • Holger Schlarb
  • John Carwardine
  • Katja Honkavaara
  • Lili Ma
  • Marc Wenskat
  • Marie Kristin Bock
  • Mariusz Grecki
  • Martin Staack
  • Mathias Vogt
  • Matthias Werner
  • Mikhail Yurkov
  • Nicholas Walker
  • Nicoleta Baboi
  • Nikolay Solyak
  • Olaf Hensler
  • Patrick Gessler
  • Raimund Kammering
  • Richard Kriske
  • Roxana Tarkeshian
  • Shinichiro Michizono
  • Siegfried Schreiber
  • Sven Pfeiffer
  • Tim Wilksen
  • Valeri Ayvazyan
  • Wojciech Cichalewski
  • Wojciech Jalmuzna