Welcome to the first TMD Monte Carlo school.
The school will be fully online, no registration fee, but registration is needed.
The school consists of lectures/tutorials every day from 13-16.
Monday and Tuesday is reserved for intro lectures on
MC technique and Parton Shower and Parton Branching TMDs and CASCADE.
Wednesday & Thursday are Tutorials and Exercises for a comparison of PB TMD predictions with azimuthal correlations of high pt Dijets in back-to-back region at the LHC.
Friday: Summary & preparation of presentation for REF2021
From the results obtained in the school, a contribution at the REF 2021 workshop will be prepared by the participants of the school.
In addition a short publication of the results will be prepared after the school.
Organizing Committee:
Armando Bermúdez Martínez (DESY), Hannes Jung (DESY), Sara Taheri Monfared (DESY), Qun Wang (DESY)