3–6 Jul 2023
DESY Hamburg
Europe/Berlin timezone


DESY Hostel


A limited number of 20 rooms are blocked at the DESY hostel until four weeks before the school, first-come first-get:



Please give as group "FH", and write in the comment field "Pre-reserved rooms for "Terascale Statistics School".


Other hotels


In case they are booked, there are a few other options.

Hotels nearby can be found on the following list:



More hotels in Hamburg offers the Website Hamburg Tourismus.

Hamburg's Culture and Tourism Tax

The city of Hamburg has introduced a special "Culture and Tourism Tax" on January 1st 2013. The tax is based on the number of nights and the price for the hotel rooms and is collected by the hotels. As business travellers, workshop participants are exempted from this tax. This requires, that you bring a special form that is signed by your employer when you check in at your hotel. Please find more information about the tax and the required forms below.



