3–6 Jul 2023
DESY Hamburg
Europe/Berlin timezone

Restaurants in the vicinity of DESY

Most of the Restaurants below are situated in Ottensen, the nearest downtown quarter ~5km from DESY, reachable by bus, e.g. lines 1 and 2, within ~20-30 minutes.

It maybe worthwhile to buy a daily group ticket for 13,40 Euro, valid for up to 5 persons.

Timetables can be found here.  Please take note that the Hamburg City Centre is not the most lively place for going out in the evening, the "action" is mostly in  other places like Ottensen, Schanzenviertel, Portuguese quarter or St. Pauli.

Please take note that the above list is just a small selection of recommended restaurants, based on our personal experiences, there is much more to find/discover in Hamburg!