139 / 139
- Wolfgang Ackermann (TU Darmstadt)
- Namra Aftab (Z_PITZ (Betrieb und Forschung))
- Skirmantas Alisauskas (FS-LA (FLASH 2020+ flexible pump probe lasers))
- Anthony Barker (MSK (Strahlkontrollen))
- Leonie Bauer (GSI)
- Florian Bek (Terahertz Devices and Systems, IMP , TU Darmstadt)
Andrea Bellandi
(MSK (Strahlkontrollen))
- Co-author in An open source FPGA firmware framework (FWK) by DESY
- Co-author in Continuous-Wave Piezo-to-RF System Identification
- Co-author in Influence of environmental parameters on calibration drift in superconducting RF cavities
- Co-author in Stability and limitations of the EuXFEL 3rd harmonic cryomodule in CW and LP operation
- Edmund Blomley (KIT)
Behzad Boghrati
(MSK (Strahlkontrollen))
- Author in DESY DAMC-DS5014DR
- Author in Latest Developements Digital Boards from DESY
- Oliver Boine-Frankenheim (TU Darmstadt)
- Prach Boonpornprasert (Z_PITZ (Betrieb und Forschung))
Julien Branlard
(MSK (Strahlkontrollen))
- Co-author in "Cut-edge RF Oscillators for Accelerator Facilities, future perspectives"
- Co-author in Continuous-Wave Piezo-to-RF System Identification
- Co-author in Influence of environmental parameters on calibration drift in superconducting RF cavities
- Co-author in Stability and limitations of the EuXFEL 3rd harmonic cryomodule in CW and LP operation
- Co-author in Status of the MicroTCA.4-based LLRF control system at TARLA
Erik Bruendermann
- Author in Implementing bunch-by-bunch diagnostics at the KARA booster synchrotron
- Co-author in Commissioning and Experiments with a Compact Transverse Deflecting System at FLUTE
- Co-author in Electro-optical spectral Decoding of THz Pulses at MHz Repetition Rates
- Co-author in Simulations of an electro-optical in-vacuum bunch profile monitor and measurements at KARA for use in the FCC-ee
- Co-author in Utilizing differentiable beam dynamics code for simulated optimization
Michael Buechler
(MSK (Strahlkontrollen))
- Co-author in An open source FPGA firmware framework (FWK) by DESY
Lukasz Butkowski
- Co-author in An open source FPGA firmware framework (FWK) by DESY
- Anne-Laure Calendron (MSK (Strahlkontrollen))
- Hueseyin Cankaya (FS-LA (FLASH 2020+ flexible pump probe lasers))
- Michele Caselle (KIT)
- Giovanni Cirmi (FS-LA (Laser Operations & User Support))
- Lorenzo Crescimbeni (Friederich schiller universität jena)
- Krzysztof Czuba (WUT)
Marie Kristin Czwalinna
- Author in Report on latest developments of electro-optic pulse shape measurements at European XFEL and FLASH
- Co-author in "Cut-edge RF Oscillators for Accelerator Facilities, future perspectives"
- Co-author in First Measurements of a Demonstrator for the Electro-Optical Bunch Arrival-Time Monitor with PCB-based Pickups
- Herbert DeGersem (TU-Darmstadt)
- Micha Dehler (PSI)
- Stefan Duesterer (FS-FLASH-D (FLASH Photon Diagnostics and Controls))
Burak Dursun
(MSK (Strahlkontrollen))
- Co-author in An open source FPGA firmware framework (FWK) by DESY
- Co-author in Continuous-Wave Piezo-to-RF System Identification
- Auralee Edelen (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
Annika Eichler
(MSK (Strahlkontrollen))
- Author in Cheetah – A High-speed Differentiable Beam Dynamics Simulation for Machine Learning Applications
- Author in Reinforcement Learning for Intensity Tuning at Large FEL Facilities
- Author in Towards Natural Language-driven Autonomous Particle Accelerator Tuning
- Co-author in Influence of environmental parameters on calibration drift in superconducting RF cavities
- Dima El Khechen (KIT, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Fahd Rushd Faridi (Terahertz Devices and Systems, IMP , TU Darmstadt)
- Matthias Felber (MSK (Strahlkontrollen))
Michael Fenner
(MSK (Strahlkontrollen))
- Author in DESY DAMC-DS5014DR
- Author in Latest Developements Digital Boards from DESY
- Thomas Feurer (University of Berne)
- Peter Forck (GSI)
- Matthias Fuchs
- Stefan Funkner (IBPT/KIT)
- Bartosz Gąsowski (ISE, Warsaw University of Technology)
- Jens Georg (MSK (Strahlkontrollen))
- Georgi Georgiev (Z_PITZ (Betrieb und Forschung))
- Rupeshkumar Ghagi
- Sergei Glukhov (TU Darmstadt)
- James David Good (Z_PITZ (Technologie))
- Matthias Gross (Z_PITZ (Technologie))
- Arne Gruenhagen (MSK (Strahlkontrollen))
- Cagil Guemues (MSK (Strahlkontrollen))
- Bastian Haerer (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT))
- Joerg Hallmann (Eur.XFEL (European XFEL))
- Mozghan Hayati (PSI)
- Artur Heck (MSL (Supraleitende Beschleuniger Technologie))
- Max Herrmann (MSK (Strahlkontrollen))
- Martin Christoph Hierholzer (MSK (Strahlkontrollen))
- Andreas Hoffmann (Z_PITZ (Technologie))
Patrick Huesmann
(MSK (Strahlkontrollen))
- Co-author in An open source FPGA firmware framework (FWK) by DESY
- Erhard Huttel (KIT)
- Rasmus Ischebeck (Paul Scherrer Institut)
- Jan Kaiser (DESY)
- Karol Kasprzak (MSL (Supraleitende Beschleuniger Technologie))
- Max Kellermeier (MPY1 (MPY Fachgruppe 1))
- Martin Killenberg (MSK (Strahlkontrollen))
- Stephan Klaproth (Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen)
- J. Michael Klopf (HZDR)
- Sergey Kovalev (Institute of Radiation Physics, HZDR, Dresden)
- Tomasz Kozak (DESY - Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron)
- Mikhail Krasilnikov (Z_PITZ (Betrieb und Forschung))
- Nick Kschuev (MSK (Strahlkontrollen))
- Narender Kumar (University of Liverpool)
- Michael Kuntzsch (HZDR)
- Thorsten Lamb (MSK (Strahlkontrollen))
- Anne Lauscher (Universität Hamburg)
- Xiangkun Li (Z_PITZ (Betrieb und Forschung))
- Frank Ludwig (MSK (Strahlkontrollen))
- Anton Malygin (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Katharina Mayer (KIT)
- Norbert Meyners (DESY)
- Sajjad Hussain Mirza (MSK (Strahlkontrollen))
- Akira Mochihashi (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Matthias Moser (PSI)
Anke-Susanne Mueller
- Author in Implementing bunch-by-bunch diagnostics at the KARA booster synchrotron
- Author in Status of the FLUTE RF system upgrade
- Co-author in Commissioning and Experiments with a Compact Transverse Deflecting System at FLUTE
- Co-author in Electro-optical spectral Decoding of THz Pulses at MHz Repetition Rates
- Co-author in Simulations of an electro-optical in-vacuum bunch profile monitor and measurements at KARA for use in the FCC-ee
- Co-author in Utilizing differentiable beam dynamics code for simulated optimization
- Matthias Nabinger (KIT)
- Michael Nasse (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Philipp Niedermayer (GSI)
- Gudrun Niehues (KIT)
- Marvin Noll (KIT)
- Patrick Nonn (MSK (Strahlkontrollen))
- Zoltan Ollmann (University of Berne)
- Seyed Nima Omidsajedi (MSK (Strahlkontrollen))
- Anne Oppelt (DESY)
- Meghana Mahaveer Patil (KIT)
- Meghana Patil
Andreas Penirschke
(Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen)
- Author in Ultra-Wide Band Intermediate Frequency Response of GaAs-Based THz Detectors with ps-scale THz Pulse Resolution
- Co-author in First Measurements of a Demonstrator for the Electro-Optical Bunch Arrival-Time Monitor with PCB-based Pickups
- Co-author in Simulations and measurement results of a radially coupled fast faraday cup with increased signal strength
- Sven Pfeiffer (MSK (Strahlkontrollen))
- Jade Pham (SOLEIL)
- Gulloo Lal Prajapati (Institute of Radiation Physics, HZDR, Dresden)
- Sascha Preu (Terahertz Devices and Systems, IMP , TU Darmstadt)
- heinz pryschelski (DESY)
- Jan-Etienne Pudell (Eur.XFEL (European XFEL))
- Houjun Qian (DESY)
- Michael Randall (None)
- Daniel Ratner (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Micha Reißig (Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT))
- Christopher James Richard (Z_PITZ (Betrieb und Forschung))
- Bozo Richter (MSK (Strahlkontrollen))
- Dietrich Rothe (MSK (Strahlkontrollen))
- Robert Ruprecht (KIT - ANKA)
- Andrea Santamaria Garcia (KIT)
- Jens Schäfer (KIT IBPT)
- Bernhard Scheible (Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen)
Holger Schlarb
- Co-author in "Cut-edge RF Oscillators for Accelerator Facilities, future perspectives"
- Co-author in Continuous-Wave Piezo-to-RF System Identification
- Co-author in Disturbance model integration into ring simulations for PETRA IV fast orbit feedback system
- Co-author in First Measurements of a Demonstrator for the Electro-Optical Bunch Arrival-Time Monitor with PCB-based Pickups
- Co-author in Influence of environmental parameters on calibration drift in superconducting RF cavities
- Co-author in Status of the MicroTCA.4-based LLRF control system at TARLA
- Thiemo Schmelzer (Karlsruhe Intitute of Technology (KIT))
- Christian Schmidt (MSK (Strahlkontrollen))
- Maximilian Schuette (MSK (Strahlkontrollen))
- Marcel Schuh (KIT - ANKA)
Katharina Schulz
(MSK (Strahlkontrollen))
- Co-author in An open source FPGA firmware framework (FWK) by DESY
- Sebastian Schulz (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron)
- David Schwickert (MSK (Strahlkontrollen))
- Nadeem Shehzad (MSK (Strahlkontrollen))
- Thomas Sieber (GSI)
Rahul Singh
(GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH(GSI))
- Author in Investigation of transit time spread in tune scan slow extraction at SIS18 GSI
- Co-author in Effect of surface roughness on optical transition radiation characteristics of a 10 keV electron beam
- Co-author in Simulations and measurement results of a radially coupled fast faraday cup with increased signal strength
- Co-author in Slow extraction improvements with novel methods at GSI
- Nigel Smale (IBPT KIT)
- Stefan Sorge (GSI)
- Bernd Steffen (MSK (Strahlkontrollen))
Johannes Steinmann
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), IBPT)
- Author in Implementing bunch-by-bunch diagnostics at the KARA booster synchrotron
- Co-author in Commissioning and Experiments with a Compact Transverse Deflecting System at FLUTE
- Co-author in Electro-optical spectral Decoding of THz Pulses at MHz Repetition Rates
- Co-author in Simulations of an electro-optical in-vacuum bunch profile monitor and measurements at KARA for use in the FCC-ee
- Frank Stephan (DESY)
- Yue Sun (MSK (Strahlkontrollen))
- Nisamol Thevaruparambu Abdul Nazer (MSK (Strahlkontrollen))
Volker Tympel
(Helmholtz Institute Jena)
- Co-author in Axial Double core CCC for FAIR
- Serban Udrea (GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung)
- Grygorii Vashchenko (Z_DV (Datenverarbeitung))
- Thomas Vinatier (MPY1 (MPY Fachgruppe 1))
- Beata Walasek-Höhne (GSI)
- Carsten Welsch (University of Liverpool)
- Christina Widmann (KIT)
- Christian Willner (MSK (Strahlkontrollen))
- Chenran Xu (KIT)
- Rahul Yadav (Terahertz Devices and Systems, IMP , TU Darmstadt)
- Jiangyan Yang (GSI)
- Sumaira Zeeshan (Z_PITZ (Betrieb und Forschung))
- Hao Zhang (University of Liverpool)
- Falco Zummack (MSK (Strahlkontrollen))