9–11 Oct 2023
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Europe/Berlin timezone

Scientific Programme

  • Matter and Technologies

    Matter and Technologies (MT) is a program in the research field Matter dedicated to working on the key enabling technologies for accelerators, detectors and data science. The Helmholtz centers DESY, FZJ, GSI, HZB, HZDR, HZG and KIT collaborate in the program MT. The MT topics are (see below) Accelerator Research and Development (ARD), Detector Technologies and Systems (DTS), and Data Management and Analysis (DMA).

  • Accelerator Research and Development

    In ARD the limits of conventional accelerators are extended and concepts for new accelerators and their applications are developed.

  • Detector Technologies and Systems

    In DTS sensors are optimized, new detection methods developed and prototype systems are built to face the challenges of current and future experiments.

  • Data Management and Analysis

    In DMA methods for successfully handling, processing and analyzing large amounts of data of unprecedented complexity at high rates stemming from Matter experiments are developed.