Anomalous dimensions for hard exclusive processes

15 Dec 2023, 11:50
Seminar Room 2, Building 2a, DESY, Hamburg

Seminar Room 2, Building 2a, DESY, Hamburg

participant talk Exclusive production


Dr Sam Van Thurenhout (Wigner RCP)


We give an overview of recent developments in the computation of the anomalous dimension matrix of composite operators in non-forward kinematics. The elements of this matrix determine the scale dependence of non-perturbative parton distributions, such as GPDs, and hence constitute important input for phenomenological studies of exclusive processes like deeply-virtual Compton scattering. Particular emphasis will be put on a recently developed method that exploits consistency relations for the anomalous dimension matrix which follow from the renormalization structure of the operators.

Primary author

Dr Sam Van Thurenhout (Wigner RCP)

Presentation materials