
A block of ~40 rooms have been reserved for this event at the DESY hostel, at a standard rate.

Participants interested into this accomodation should book their room by directly contacting the DESY hostel (email:  webpage: ) making explicitly reference to "JENAA Workshop on Synergies between the EIC and the LHC" in their email. 

We recommend to proceed asap, because rooms will be assigned according to a "first come, first served" basis.

Alternatively, there are a number of options for hotels and other accomodations in Hamburg. We did not establish any policy for special rates with any of them. In any case, we recommend stays in the area of Othmarschen, Ottensen and Altona, not too far from DESY.  

Hotels nearby can be found on the following list: workshop2022/content/e82904/e82935/e82940/infoboxContent82941/Hotelliste_2022.pdf

More hotels in Hamburg offers the Website Hamburg Tourismus.