5th Mini-Workshop on Longitudinal Diagnostics for FELs

456, bldg. 25F (DESY Hamburg)

456, bldg. 25F

DESY Hamburg

Christopher Gerth (DESY), Nicole Hiller (KIT), Peter Peier (DESY), Rasmus Ischebeck (Paul Scherrer Institut)
The workshop aims at bringing together scientists and engineers working in the field of longitudinal diagnostics for future accelerators to strengthen close collaborations in the fields of longitudinal beam instrumentation, detector development and data acquisition. Apart from the first session on the status of the facilities, all sessions are organised as ‘Speed Poster Sessions”: Authors are asked to present their contributions as a poster, size ISO A0; before the session, each author may ‘advertise' his/her poster with a few slides (max. 4 minutes). Coffee will be available during the poster sessions; each session will end with a discussion and summary block. The sessions topics are: Electro-optical diagnostics, coherent radiation diagnostics, MHz line detector development and special topics.
  • Aleksander Mielczarek
  • Allan Gillespie
  • Bennie Smit
  • Bernd Steffen
  • Carsten Mai
  • Charlotte Palmer
  • Christopher Gerth
  • Cigdem Ozkan Loch
  • Dariusz Makowski
  • David Walsh
  • Dennis Borissenko
  • Francesca Curbis
  • Franziska Frei
  • Gian Luca Orlandi
  • Gudrun Niehues
  • Hannes Dinter
  • Holger Schlarb
  • Jonathan Correa
  • Lorenzo Rota
  • Marie Kristin Czwalinna
  • Mario Schiselski
  • Micha Dehler
  • Michael Heuer
  • Michele Caselle
  • Mozhgan Hayati
  • Nicole Hiller
  • Patrik Schönfeldt
  • Peter Peier
  • Raffael Niemczyk
  • Rasmus Ischebeck
  • Roxana Tarkeshian
  • Serge Bielawski
  • Stefan Düsterer
  • Steffen Palutke
  • Steffen Wunderlich
  • Toke Koevener
  • Vladimir Arsov
  • Vladyslav Libov
  • Volker Schlott
  • Winfried Decking
  • Thursday, 19 November
    • Facility Report & Overview
      • 1
        Speaker: Dr Christopher Gerth (DESY)
      • 2
        European XFEL - Status
        Speaker: Winfried Decking (DESY)
      • 3
        SwissFEL - Status
        Speaker: Volker Schlott (PSI)
      • 4
        FLUTE - Status
        Speaker: Dr Bennie Smit (KIT)
      • 5
        MAX4 - Status
        Speaker: Dr Francesca Curbis (MAX IV laboratory, Lund University)
      • 6
        The DELTA Short-Pulse Facility
        Speaker: Carsten Mai
      • 7
        Speaker: Dr Christopher Gerth (DESY)
    • 10:40
      Coffee break
    • EO Diagnostics
      • 8
        Ultra-Fast Single-Shot Electro-Optical Diagnostics with KALYPSO at ANKA
        Speaker: Nicole Hiller (KIT)
      • 9
        EO at FLUTE (introduction)
        Speaker: Gudrun Niehues
      • 10
        Wakefield optimized EO Arm
        Speaker: Patrick Schoenfeldt
      • 11
        EO at XFEL
        Speaker: Bernd Steffen
      • 12
        EO Diagnostics at DELTA
        Speaker: Raffael Niemczyk (TU Dortmund)
      • 13
        EO experiments / results at ALICE
        Speaker: David Walsh
      • 14
        Laser Synchronisation based on MTCA standard
        Speakers: Dr Konrad Przygoda (DESY), Mr Michael Heuer (German)
      • 15
        Increasing the repetition rate of electro-optic sampling setups using the photonic time-stretch strategy: results at SOLEIL and ANKA
        Speaker: Prof. Serge Bielawski (PhLAM, Université Lille 1 (France))
      • 16
        EOD Poster Session
      • 17
        Discussion/Conclusions/Future Collaborations
    • 12:40
      Lunch break
    • Coherent Radiation Diagnostics
      • 18
        Simulations for BC3 (aka ECOL) Compression monitor
        Speaker: Franziska Frei
      • 19
        THz spectrometer calibration at FELIX
        Speaker: Toke Kövener
      • 20
        Status of the double-prism spectrometer for the diagnosis of fs electron bunches
        Speaker: Steffen Wunderlich
      • 21
        THz antenna development
        Speaker: Mario Schiselski
      • 22
        Coherent radiation diagnostics at XFEL
        Speaker: Peter Peier
      • 23
        Response matrix measurements at FLASH
        Speaker: Hannes Dinter
      • 24
        SwissFEL Synchrotron Radiation Monitors: Design and Concept
        Speaker: Gianluca Orlandi
      • 25
        Poster Session: CRD
      • 26
        Discussion / Conclusions / Future Collaborations
    • Tutorial: ASICs Design for Detectors
      • 27
        ASICs Design for Detectors
        Speaker: Michele Caselle (KIT)
    • 19:00
      Conference Dinner
  • Friday, 20 November
    • Fast 1D Detectors
      • 28
        KALYPSO as EOD spectrometer based on MTCA.4
        Speaker: Dariusz Makowski
      • 29
        Status prototype development of KALYPSO EO Detector
        Speaker: Aleksander Mielczarek
      • 30
        FAST 1D detector development KIT version: KALYPSO
        Speaker: Michelle Caselle
      • 31
        FAST 1D detector development KIT version
        Speaker: Lorenzo Rota
      • 32
        Gotthard Modul
        Speaker: Jonathan Correa
      • 33
        GOTTHARD modul for shot-to-shot spectroscopy at FLASH
        Speaker: Mr Steffen Palutke (DESY)
      • 34
        Poster Session: 1D Detector
      • 35
        Discussion / Conclusions / Future Collaborations
    • Special Topics
      • 36
        Development of an Arrival Time Detector for Time-of-Flight Spectrometers
        Speaker: Cigdem Ozkan
      • 37
        The Bunch-Arrival Time Monitors for SwissFEL
        Speaker: Dr Vladimir Arsov (PSI)
      • 38
        THz driven Acceleration programme at STFC
        Speaker: Dr Steven Jamison (STFC)
      • 39
        Design concept for a THz driven streak camera
        Speaker: M. Dehler
      • 40
        Plasma-based peak current monitor for the ultra-short FEL bunches.
        Speaker: Roxana Tarkeshian
      • 41
        Laser-based acceleration experiments
        Speaker: Rasmus Ischbeck
      • 42
        Poster Session: Special Topics
      • 43
        Discussion / Conclusions / Future Collaborations
    • Round Up WS/Conclusions/Future Collaborations
      • 44
        Highlights, lessons learned, collaborations, and next workshop
        Speakers: Dr Christopher Gerth (DESY), Nicole Hiller (KIT), Dr Rasmus Ischebeck (Paul Scherrer Institut)
    • 12:30
      Lunch break
    • XFEL Tour
      • 45
        XFEL Tour
        Speakers: Dr Christopher Gerth (DESY), Dr Peter Peier (DESY)