11–15 Jun 2018
TU Dresden
Europe/Berlin timezone

Financial Support

I: Financial support for international scientist:

Thanks to the German Academic Exchange Service, we are glad to offer following financial support for participants who meet the definition “Alumni Germany”:

  • Reimbursement of travel costs (precise amount depending on home country, see the following list)

  • Per diem allowance

  • EUR 95.00 per attendance day for the period 11th – 15th June


EUR 95.00 for the day of arrival and departure.

Please note that your participation can be funded only if you attend the conference for at least four days or the framework program for Alumni Germany on the 15th of June.


Definition of Alumni Germany: 

Alumni Germany are international scientists who have spent at least three months in Germany, studying or working on research as doctoral candidates, post-doctoral researchers or at a more advanced career stage.


II: Financial support for young international scientist:

International scientist at an early career stage (e.g. PhD students, Postdocs, lectures, assistant professors) below an age of 40 years can apply for financial support during registration. This includes a lump sum of EUR 200.00 to cover the conference fee and additional funding to partly cover their travel costs (the precise amount depends on the country of origin - please find the amount in this list).

Since this funding is available only for 15 persons, we like to encourage young researchers to register and apply as soon as possible.