APPEC Town Meeting Berlin
9–10 June 2022
The AstroParticle Physics European Consortium (APPEC) invites you to join its Town Meeting for a vibrant discussion of the midterm status of the implementation of the European Astroparticle Physics Strategy 2017-2026.
The APPEC Town Meeting will be held on-site in Berlin on 09-10 June 2022.
Aim of the Town Meeting
As input to the Town Meeting a community feedback process took place over the last months and the final version, including the community feedback, of the mid-term strategy report prepared by the APPEC Scientific Advisory Committee is available here.
During the Town Meeting we will further discuss the status of the implementation process with respect to the international context, and the new developments in Astroparticle Physics and neighbouring fields that could lead to further evolution of the strategic recommendations.
Interactive methods, with lots of time and opportunities for discussions in smaller rounds, will ensure a broad impact of the community to shaping the future of Astroparticle Physics.
The discussions at the Town Meeting will serve as input for the Strategy Update document to be released as the European Astroparticle Physics Strategy 2022-2026 Update.
We hope to see you there!
The plenary sessions on Friday will be live-streamed here:
The registration fee is 150.00 € per participant until 9 18 May (prolonged). After this date a late fee of 250.00 € will be charged.
Registration deadline is 24 prolonged to 30 May.
The meeting will take place at Brewdog / DOGTAP Berlin, Im Marienpark 23, Berlin
Organizing Committee: Joint Secretariat: Scientific Advisory Committee: |
General Assembly: Andreas Haungs (GA Chair), KIT
Organizing Institute:
Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY