Frequently Asked Questions – Online Conferences
Web Platform
This conference will be hosted by Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY.
As software the following plattforms will be used:
INDICO conference software for registration and central conference information
ZOOM video communications as web-meeting and webinar platform
Meeting URL and Password
The meeting URL will be provided on the website. The password to the meeting will be distributed amongst the registered participants 24 hours in advance.
How to use the platform
As a participant:
Please click the link of the meeting and you will be connected to the meeting room. When entering the room your audio will be muted.
Please keep the audio muted during the session. Please unmute your audio, once the session chair asks you to contribute.
You can decide, if you would like to activate your camera.
Please use the "Raise hand" option if you would like to comment. You may also leave a message in the chat function.
As a speaker:
In order to present your slides please activate the "share screen" mode. Choose the screen you would like to share. Once you are finished, please click "stop sharing".
In order to optimize the qualitiy of audio you maybe would like to use a headset.
Please note: We kindly suggest not to use any kind of animated slide transitions. We also suggest not to use animated backgrounds.
Recording: The sessions will be not recorded.
For further questions please contact