19–21 Oct 2020
Europe/Berlin timezone
This workshop will be held as an online event!

List of Posters

The poster sessions will take place on Tuesday 20th of October at 16:00 until 18:15 and will be held at the platform REMO.co.



For further technical information on the poster sessions please click here.


Poster list and Allocation to tables:

ID Title Presenter REMO FLOOR TABLE NO. 
0 Heterogeneity and anisotropy on the nanoscale: What do we learn from 'imperfect' materials? Yue Cao 1 1
1 Unravelling the structure of functional materials by X-ray absorption spectroscopy Alexei Kuzmin 1 2
2 Instrumentation for in situ high pressure and temperature studies on large samples at a concept beamline at PETRA IV Robert Farla 1 3
3 Structural study of self-assembled mesocrystal grains by coherent X-ray diffraction imaging Jerome Carnis 1 4
4 X-ray Diffraction Study of the Kinetics of Ice Formation in Self-Assembled Monoolein/Hemoglobin/Water System Angelov Borislav 1 5
5 POx species effect on HT-PEMFC performance studied by ex-situ and in-situ methods Bruna Ferreira Gomes Lobo 1 6
6 A diffractometer for investigation of solid surfaces, interfaces and ultrathin films Florian Bertram 1 7
7 A diffractometer for investigation of liquid/liquid and liquid/vapor interfaces Chen Shen 1 8
8 A heavy load diffractometer for UHV and thin film growth chambers Florian Bertram 1 9
9 A high throughput diffraction endstation for surfaces, interfaces and ultrathin films Florian Bertram 1 10
10 High-throughput scanning X-ray microscope at PETRA IV Michael Stückelberger 1 11
11 In-situ scanning microscope at PETRA IV Gerald Falkenberg 1 12
12 Monochromatic high-energy materials science at PETRA IV Norbert Schell 1 13
13 Engineering materials science with a white beam at PETRA IV Guilherme Abreu Faria 1 14
14 Ambient Pressure XPS at PETRA IV Patrick Lömcker 1 15
15 Proposals for future P02.2 Hanns-Peter Liermann 2 1
16 Blueprints for future X-ray spectroscopy beamlines at PETRA IV Edmund Welter & Wolfgang Caliebe 2 2
17 In situ high energy X-ray diffraction analysis of partitioning mechanisms in Q&P steels Guillaume Geandier 2 3
18 Full-field imaging at PETRA IV Jörg Hammel 2 4
19 Full-field nano-imaging at PETRA IV Imke Greving 2 5
20 Scanning diffraction imaging at PETRA IV Anton Davydok 2 6
21 P10 goes PIV Michael Sprung & Fabian Westermeier 2 7
22 Blueprints for future X-ray spectroscopy beamlines at PETRA IV Edmund Welter & Wolfgang Caliebe 2 8