18–20 Nov 2020
Europe/Berlin timezone
This workshop will be held as an online event!

List of Posters

The poster sessions will take place on Wednesday 18th of November at 16:00 until 18:15 and will be held at the platform REMO.co.

Link:  https://live.remo.co/e/petra-iv-workshop-technical-chal/register

For further technical information on the poster sessions please click here.


Poster list and Allocation to tables:

ID Title Presenter REMO FLOOR  
0 A diffractometer for investigation of solid surfaces, interfaces and ultrathin films Florian Bertram 1  
1 A diffractometer for investigation of liquid/liquid and liquid/vapor interfaces Bridget Murphy & Chen Shen 1  
2 A heavy load diffractometer for UHV and thin film growth chambers Arka Dey & Florian Betram 1  
3 A high throughput diffraction endstation for surfaces, interfaces and ultrathin films Chen Shen & Florian Bertram 1  
4 A sub 10 meV high-resolution monochromator for tender RIXS at Petra IV Hlynur Gretarsson 1  
5 Blueprints for future X-ray spectroscopy beamlines at PETRA IV Edmund Welter & Wolfgang Caliebe 1  
6 High performance for soft x-ray undulators at 6 GeV storage rings Moritz Hoesch 1  
7 Instrumentation for in situ high pressure and temperature studies on large samples at a concept beamline at PETRA IV Robert Farla 1  
8 Proposals for future P02.2 Hanns-Peter Liermann 1  
9 High performance for soft x-ray undulators at 6 GeV storage rings Moritz Hoesch 1  
10 Hard X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Microscopy for PETRA IV Christoph Schlueter 1  
11 eCOMO, a new endstation for controlled molecule experiments Hubertus Bromberger & Lanhei He 1  
12 The symmetric, broad band double Laue high-energy monochromator at P21.2 Ulrich Lienert 1  
13 The Materials Oscilloscope: Thermo-mechanical processing in a synchrotron beam: Algorithms towards real-time data reduction Klaus-Dieter Liss 1  
14 Detectors at PETRA IV David Pennicard 1  
15 How Nanoprobes can take full advantage of PETRA IV Andreas Schropp 2