26–30 Jul 2021
Europe/Berlin timezone


T06: QCD and Hadronic Physics

26 Jul 2021, 10:00



T06: QCD and Hadronic Physics: Part 1: Exclusive physics and diffraction

  • Ferenc Siklér (Wigner RCP, Budapest)
  • Mateusz Dyndal (AGH UST Krakow)

T06: QCD and Hadronic Physics: Part 2: Jets

  • Mateusz Dyndal (AGH UST Krakow)

T06: QCD and Hadronic Physics: Part 3: PDFs

  • laura Fabbietti (TUM)

T06: QCD and Hadronic Physics: Part 4: Quarkonia and heavy flavour

  • Daniel Johnson (CERN)

T06: QCD and Hadronic Physics: Part 5: V + jets

  • Mateusz Dyndal (AGH UST Krakow)

T06: QCD and Hadronic Physics: Part 6: Soft physics

  • laura Fabbietti (TUM)
  • Ferenc Siklér (Wigner RCP, Budapest)

T06: QCD and Hadronic Physics: Part 7: Exotica

  • Daniel Johnson (CERN)

T06: QCD and Hadronic Physics: Part 8: Low-energy phenomena

  • Ferenc Siklér (Wigner RCP, Budapest)

T06: QCD and Hadronic Physics: Part 9: Precision calculations

  • Zoltan Nagy (T (Phenomenology))


Note: All contributions are given 12 minutes + 3 min for questions

Presentation materials

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QCD and Hadronic Physics
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Qingnian Xu (UCAS)
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