Opening day
Submission deadline
* ** Deadline for submissions extended until June 9, 2023 *
Scientists are invited to submit abstracts to the parallel sessions and to the poster session, to be organized during the 2023 version of the EPS conference on high energy physics.
Please note: in order to submit an abstract, you need to login to indico. You can access the DESY Indico system either through your DESY account, or using the unified Helmholtz AAI login scheme (this is the third option when asked to login to indico). You may chose from a large number of institute logins, including CERN, or use general accounts like your google account or your github account.
Please note that you have to use your usual login credentials, not that of a possible indico account you might have.
If you login the first time, you will in addition need to register yourself with indico. After sucessful identification, please click on "register". Please accept the data protectino statement (which unforunatly is in German) and proceed. You will then be re-directed to the abstract submission system.