20–25 Aug 2023
Universität Hamburg
Europe/Berlin timezone

Information for Speakers and Poster Presenters

For parallel session speakers

We like to ask you to upload your presentation as a pdf file to your contribution in Indico yourself at your earliest convenience.

Please contact the conveners of your session for any questions regarding your contribution, the timetable, or the session in general.

In general, you should plan for at least 3 minutes of discussion time after your talk; e.g., if your contribution is scheduled with a length of 20 minutes, please plan for 17 minutes of talk leaving 3 minutes for discussion. Please contact the conveners of your session for the detailed time planning.

Uploading your presentation

Log in to the DESY Indico system as described further below on this page. Then you should see a button with a little pen symbol at the bottom right of the page next to the "presentation material" section. Clicking the button will allow you to upload material.

Please test well in advance that the uploading works technically!

If all fails, you may ask the conveners of your session to upload the talk for you.

For poster presenters

Please upload your poster as a pdf file to the conference server. Please follow the same instructions given above for uploading a presentation.

We expect that you will bring a printed version of your poster (size A0, portrait orientation) to Hamburg to attach it on the assigned wall for the poster session which takes place on Tuesday evening. We will provide instructions and the material for fixing the poster to the poster wall.

Login to Indico

Click on "Login" at the top right corner of the page.

If you do not have an account with the DESY Indico system, you can login with an Indico account from a different system, e.g. with a CERN Indico account or with a Google account, using connecting via "Helmholtz AAI":

  1. click on "Login" (top right corner)
  2. click on “connect with Helmholtz AAI”
  3. search for your organisation, e.g. CERN or Google, and click on it
  4. login with the credentials of your account
  5. agree to register with Helmholtz and confirm via the link you get via email
  6. allow keycloak at DESY to access your data