Aug 20 – 25, 2023
Universität Hamburg
Europe/Berlin timezone

Direct tests of T, CP, CPT symmetries in transitions of neutral K mesons with the KLOE experiment

Aug 21, 2023, 9:00 AM
Hörsaal C (Historic main building)

Hörsaal C

Historic main building

Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1
Parallel session talk Flavour Physics and CP Violation T08 Flavour Physics and CP Violation


Caterina Bloise


The entanglement in the neutral kaon pairs produced at the DA$\Phi$NE $\phi$-factory is a unique tool to test discrete symmetries. The exchange of in and out states required for a genuine test involving an antiunitary transformation implied by time-reversal is implemented exploiting the entanglement of ${K}^0\bar{K}{}^0$ pairs produced at a $\phi$-factory. We will present the final result of the first direct test of CPT and T symmetries in neutral kaon transitions performed at KLOE.

Collaboration / Activity KLOE-2

Primary author

Dr Eryk Czerwiński (Marian Smoluchowski Institute of Physics, Jagiellonian University)

Presentation materials