Aug 20 – 25, 2023
Universität Hamburg
Europe/Berlin timezone

Studying the size of the emitting source of particles and their strong interaction using femtoscopy

Aug 24, 2023, 9:55 AM
Hörsaal (ErzWiss)



Von-Melle-Park 8
Parallel session talk QCD and Hadronic Physics T06 QCD and Hadronic Physics


Elena Rogochaya


Femtoscopy is a technique used to measure the space--time dimensions of hot and dense matter created in high-energy collisions via particles with low relative momentum correlating due to quantum statistics effects and/or final-state interactions. It allows investigating the dynamics of the medium emitting correlating particles and to explore the hadronic interaction among the produced particles.

In this talk, the recent experimental results obtained by the ALICE Collaboration at the LHC are presented. The dynamics of the particle-emitting source is discussed employing a 3D analysis of kaon correlations in p-Pb collisions at 5.02 TeV. This study disfavors models which predict strong collective effects in p-A collisions and the same time there is an indication that the matter created in small and large collision systems in very peripheral collisions evolves similarly. Femtoscopy also allowed demonstrating the existence of a common emission source for all baryons in small collision systems and investigating the low-energy scattering properties between particle pairs, which were previously difficult or impossible to access experimentally. In particular, the recent ALICE results on the p-Λ and Λ-K correlations, obtained in high-multiplicity pp collisions at 13 TeV, allowed greatly improving the construction of realistic nuclear equations of state and providing a new gateway towards studying exotic bound states. In addition, the measurement of three-hadron correlation functions for the p-p-p and p-p-Λ hints to the existence of genuine three-body effects. Finally, the measured two-body p-d correlation function shows that an effective two-body approach fails and the three-nucleon dynamics has to be included to properly model the data.

Collaboration / Activity ALICE

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