20–25 Aug 2023
Universität Hamburg
Europe/Berlin timezone

Facilitating FAIR data in Germany - PUNCH4NFDI

Not scheduled
Mensa Blattwerk (Universität Hamburg)

Mensa Blattwerk

Universität Hamburg

Von-Melle-Park 5
Poster Detector R&D and Data Handling Poster session


Thomas Schörner (DESY)


The PUNCH4NFDI Consortium in the German NFDI represents the particle, astroparticle, astro-, hadron and nuclear physics communities and has as its central deliverable a community-overarching science data platform SDP, in which complex workflows can be executed on digital research products in a transparent, automatised and FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) way. The SDP consists of several ingredients that are more or less far advanced in their development and the interplay and interfacing of which is now being implemented. Furthermore, the consortium is working on coherent metadata for PUNCH sciences, and providing training in research data management on different levels. In this poster, we will give an overview of ongoing and planned activities.

Collaboration / Activity PUNCH4NFDI

Primary author


Presentation materials