Aug 20 – 25, 2023
Universität Hamburg
Europe/Berlin timezone

The global electroweak fit in the SM and SMEFT

Aug 23, 2023, 10:10 AM
Hörsaal M (Historic main building)

Hörsaal M

Historic main building

Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1
Parallel session talk Top and Electroweak Physics T07 Top and Electroweak Physics


Yannick Fischer (Universität Hamburg)


Duration" 15'+5'
We present results from the global electroweak fit to precision measurements of the Standard Model (SM). The fit uses the latest experimental results as well as up-to-date theoretical calculations for observables on the Z pole and the W boson mass, yielding precise SM predictions for the effective weak mixing angle and the masses of the W and Higgs bosons, as well as the top quark. We report constraints on coefficients of the SM effective field theory (SMEFT), obtained from electroweak precision data. We present correlations between the SMEFT coefficients, evaluated at next-to-leading order for the precision observables entering the fit, and the free parameters of the SM.

Collaboration / Activity Gfitter group

Primary authors

Andreas Hoecker (CERN) Johannes Haller (Institut für Experimentalphysik, Universität Hamburg) Jörg Stelzer (CERN) Klaus Moenig (DESY) Roman Kogler (DESY) Yannick Fischer (Universität Hamburg)

Presentation materials