Aug 20 – 25, 2023
Universität Hamburg
Europe/Berlin timezone

CLOUD: The First LiquidO Neutrino Experiment

Aug 22, 2023, 5:40 PM
Hörsaal J (Historic main building)

Hörsaal J

Historic main building

Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1
Parallel session talk Neutrino Physics T04 Neutrino Physics


Carmen Palomares (CIEMAT)


LiquidO is a new neutrino detection technology which uses opaque liquid scintillator with a very short scattering length and an intermediate absorption length. Reducing the scattering length down to the scale of millimetres causes the light to be confined to a few cm radius near its creation point. To extract the light a lattice of wavelength-shifting fibres runs through the scintillator. This technology provides high-resolution imaging that enables highly efficient identification of individual particles event-by-event down to the MeV scale and therefore offers a wide range of applications in particle physics. Additionally, the exploitation of an opaque medium gives LiquidO natural affinity for using dopants at unprecedented levels. The principles of the technique have been demonstrated with two small prototypes. The next step will be the construction of a 5-ton demonstrator and its operation at the Chooz nuclear power plant within the scope of an Innovation programme (EIC-Pathfinder project - AntiMatter-OTech) for monitoring nuclear reactor activity. CLOUD collaboration plans to exploit the fundamental science programme associated to this project. CLOUD collaboration includes 13 institutions over 10 countries.

Collaboration / Activity CLOUD & LiquidO Collaborations

Primary author

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