20–25 Aug 2023
Universität Hamburg
Europe/Berlin timezone

Direct photon pT spectra and correlations measured with ALICE

21 Aug 2023, 09:40
Raum O221 (East Wing)

Raum O221

East Wing

Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1 Flügelbau Ost
Parallel session talk Ultra-Relativistic Nuclear Collisions T05 Ultra-Relativistic Nuclear Collisions


Gustavo Conesa


Measurements of direct photons provide valuable information on the properties of the quark-gluon plasma because they are colour-neutral and created during all phases of the collision. Sources of photons include initial hard scatterings, Bremsstrahlung and the fragmentation process, jet-medium interactions, and radiation from the medium. Direct thermal photons, produced by the plasma, are sensitive to the collective flow at photon production time and an effective medium temperature. Furthermore, Bose-Einstein correlations can be used to study the space-time evolution of the medium created in heavy-ion collisions with Hanbury Brown and Twiss interferometry. Direct prompt photons produced in hadronic collisions have minimal event activity from the hard process, allowing the isolation method to suppress background photons. Isolated photon measurements in pp and p--Pb collisions can constrain NLO pQCD predictions. Hadrons correlated with isolated photons are a promising channel to study the energy loss in heavy-ion collisions and to constrain the $Q^{2}$ of the initial hard scattering, obtaining information on the amount of energy lost by the parton recoiling off the photon.

The ALICE experiment reconstructs photons from conversion photons using its excellent tracking capabilities and directly in calorimeters. Combining these methods, ALICE can measure direct photons at mid-rapidity with transverse momentum from 0.4 GeV/$c$. This talk presents ALICE measurements of direct-photon distributions using statistical (decay-photon subtraction, thermal photons) and isolation (prompt photons) methods in different collision systems and energies and their correlations.

Collaboration / Activity ALICE

Primary author

Presentation materials